1. You count every little interaction between them as proof---very true.
2. You couldnt sleep the night PLANET aired because you were too excited.----very ture,and when I did fall asleep I had a dream about it.
3. You pray every new KND episode has 3/4 fluff in it.----Hehe true
4. Sometimes you yell at the TV telling Wally to confess, even if it isnt a 3/4 episode.---maybee....;D
5.You have a shrine.---I do not have a 3/4 shrine in my closet, with pictures everywhere. why would you say that. ;D
6. YOu have 3/4 pictures all over your binders and other school supplies.---true
7. You tell people green and orange are your favorite colors, even if they arent.---everyone knows that orange and green are my fav colors.
8. you use 2 people as a 3/4 example.---yup
9. have all 3/4 eps on dvd.---I wish, but I have them on VCR
10. ship any type of 3/4, even -3/-4.----Totally
11. You only eat the orange and green M&M's.----Yum. And yes.
12.You draw them!!!---I have four binders full of 3/4 drawings.
13.You got every pic from every episode of the 2 of them.---All most every pic.
14. your desktop backround is 3/4 hugging--Sadly..yes. ;D
15. you have Mr.W's email address in your book incase you need to write a letter telling him how you loved when *insert 3/4 event* happened. I did that once. And yes I have his e-mail adress.
16. you turn down the party of the year just to watch a new KND episode. Thats what happend when PLANET aired. I had to turn down my friends B-day party. Hey I had to watch that episode. ;D
17. You act like Kuki inorder to get a boy like Wally to like you. I do act like Kuki but sadly theres no wally.
18.You keep a list of songs that remind you of 3/4. The list is quite long.
19. Your family and friends know about your obsession. Practically everyone in my school and family knows.
20. your favorite article of clothing is an orange hoodie or green sweater. My orange hoodie.
21. you fake an illness just to stay home from a familly reunion and watch KND. I would if I coulld but I can't.
22. you've answer your friends by quoting 3/4. Teehee yes.
23: you're a member of the Panda Warriors. Doi,which means dud in my language.
24: When you are asked to pick a number for something you always say 34 or 43. very guilty.
25: everytime you see a blonde boy and a dark haired girl together you think OMG really 3/4ness. I do, and once in the mall that heppend and a yelled it out and people looked at me.
26: on other TV show you try to find couples similar to 3/4. I do.
27. You constantly think up 3/4 spawnage. Sometimes when I'm not to busy trying to plan there wedding.
28. You go to fanfiction.net specifically for 3/4 fics. I go on everyday.
39. You go to deviantart.com specifically for 3/4 pics. Yes.
30. You talk about 3/4 constantly. My friend told me to shut up about there other day. But I didn't. ;D
32: You watch every part of 3/4 very close so you can find some more special moments! I try.
33) You scream and jump up & down angrily when Wally misses the PERFECT opportunity to tell Kuki how he feels! I do scream.
34) You get ticked off whenever Kuki flirts with the kid & Wally STILL doesn't make any move to confess! Very ticked off.
35) When you draw 3/4 so many times you've lost count... I don't even know anymore.